2019-06-19 Corrected end date for system 7823 Added file changes.log 2019-09-03 Correction: 1874 end date from 2015-01-01 to 2050-01-01 Correction: 7237 entries from 2009 updated/edited with newest system log info, and let latest epoch be 2050-01-01 These two changes also fix a problem whereby the software provided with these tables did not find valid CoM values for these two stations after 2015 (1874) and 2017 (7237). 2019-11-22 Addition: 8834 IR system (1064 nm) 2019-11-22 com6() subroutine can now return default CoM values even under error conditions, if variable RETURN_DEFAULT is set to TRUE. Useful to obtain default values for the few stations missing. 2019-12-17 Added Stafford 7865 2020-04-09 Corrected starting epoch for latest 7840 configuration, off by one year Corrected end epoch for previous 8834 (532 nm) system, to include June 2019, where the station used both systems while the new IR laser and associated equipment was installed. Updated detector jitter info for PMT H6533, used in the Russian network, using manufacturer's data. NB. CoM values not recomputed at this stage 2020-06-08 Added JiuFeng 7396 2021-03-25 4-month gap in CoM values for 7810@846 nm noted by J.Ries was caused by inconsistencies in the site log dates for timer changes. Gap closed from inspection of NP calibration RMS at 846 and 423 nm. Error incurred: 1 mm difference between default and table values for that period for 846 nm. 7840 operated with the 12 Hz laser during 2020/07/29 - 2020/09/25. Tables updated using already computed values (same systems) 2021-05-11 Added most important pre-ILRS stations missing from the tables (LAGEOS): 7086 McDonald MLRS 7097 Easter Island TLRS-2 7109 Quincy MOB-8, TLRS-4 7121 Huahine MOB-1 7122 Mazatlan MOB-6, TLRS-4 7123 Huahine TLRS-2 7834 Wettzell 7907 Arequipa SAO-2 Values for the MOBLAS and TLRS systems were assigned as the mean of the entries from similar systems for the pre-1993 period: MOBLAS from 7090 (MOB-5), 7105 (MOB-7), and 7110 (MOB-4) TLRS from 7403 (TLRS-3) and 7110 (TLRS-4) SAO-2 from Matera SAO system Wettzell and McDonald had values already, but they were wrongly assigned to the station IDs used in their modern reincarnations (8834 and 7080). The dates of applicability have been changed accordingly. NB. only CoM values for LAGEOS have been added. 2022-09-15 Updates to some stations on the basis of changes in their site logs and a revision of the information available for some others. New station IzaƱa-1. Affected sites: 7110, 7124, 7249, 7396, 7701, 7821, 7824, 7838, 7941, 8834 These updates are minor, although there are a few significant changes for Etalon and Ajisai mostly. 2023-11-28 Added LARES-2. Added station 7306 TKBL systems.dat: some inactive stations had 2050-01-01 as end date (i.e active) systems.dat: fixed end date for 7840 kHz entry from 2014 (of no consequence) N.B. the files containing the CoM tables have been moved to the directory com. If you do not want this you must change the 'com_path' variable in the code.